See the insider trends shaping the hiring landscape for bars, restaurants, and hotels.
Info from 2000+ Wisconsin job applications. In one report.
What are the best hospitality businesses doing to stay fully staffed? Find out in our 1st 2023 trends report. Learn:
What employees look for when searching for a job.
What positions are easiest and hardest to fill.
How to lower your job ad spend by thousands ($$$$).
When the best time to hire throughout the year.
What key words will increase your job applications by up to 40%.
How to increase your chances of finding the right hire 2x faster!
Questions? Call our team at 414-939-4881
Here are the major hiring trends from
2000+ applications across Wisconsin:
1. Speed is everything.
Forty percent of candidates will drop off after 24 days of no response, 90% will drop off after 3 days.
Eighty percent of manager applicants will accept a competing after 14 days after you first interview them.
2. You need to give job searchers a reason to work for you.
More than eighty percent of hourly applicants are looking for full time work.
Organizations that offer certain benefits will see an increase of 75% more applications.
3. You need a better system to attract job seekers.
The average business spends $3000/month on job ads before hiring a single candidate.
Having a career page on your website will see 35% more applications.
Looking for an easier time hiring?
Our team will send you some info on how we save our clients thousands each year by speeding up their hiring process!